I met someone that is a director to a massage institute and she is going to perform a deep tissue massage tomorrow. I told her my story about being in a car accident (got whip lash) a couple years ago and not even physical therapy helped my neck and shoulder pain, really. (Just relieved it temporarily). It still hurts all the time. So, she says she knows how to get to the points that need to be released. What does she mean by that and do you think it will help to do this?Anyone ever had a deep tissue massage?
A deep tissue massage can be somewhat irritating, but in the end it makes the muscles very relaxed......just remember not to tense up while she is massaging or it may hurt.
If it is uncomfortable, take a deep breath and slowly exhale as she applies the pressure.Anyone ever had a deep tissue massage?
Oh, yes. Ohhhhhhh, yessssssss....
She will dig into your muscles and loosen up tight spots that are holding your neck and shoulder in painful positions.
Most of the massage should feel good, or at least not bad. Some parts will hurt -- but it will be short-lived, localized, and absolutely worth it afterward. Just try to stay relaxed and patient when she's digging out those knots.
Go for it, and start on the road to healing. You might also ask her to recommend a really good chiropractor. I stress ';really good';, as there are lots of well-intentioned chiropractors who are mediocre, but a really good one will make a huge difference.
Hi Toothie, sorry about your accident. I have had deep tissue massage before and there are a couple of things to be careful of. Since you had whiplash I would do some research on wether the neck should even be touched. I have rheum. arthritis and they cannot touch your neck. Deep tissue massage is very intense compared to getting a nice back rub, and chances are you will be quite sore for a day or two afterwards. I'm not trying to scare you because I think massage is a great way to take care of yourself. Just do a little research first and compare what this lady has told you. (from what your saying she hasn't told you much, and thats not the type of person you want working on you---they should be very upfront and honest about what and how they do their massage). Good luck and hope you are pain free soon.
I have never had one, but my boss has, same reason, injury. He said it was painful at the time but really helped a lot. He went back more than once!!
Yeah they're pretty awesome. I got one recently and I got so into it that I forgot there was actually a person massaging me. I'm not sure how it affects injury, but I know it released a lot of tension that I had in my shoulders.
It's worth a try
Whether you get a good massage or not depends on the practitioner. You can't always be sure of that but some things you can do to help yourself while recieving a massage are: (1) You have the right to tell the practitioner if he/ she is hurting you and to tell them to lighten up/stop. There's a difference between therapeutic pain which is tolerable helps the body heal and pain that you have to hold your breath to tolerate/ keep yourself from screaming (2) also please drink enough water afterwards. Most of the horror stories I hear of terrible soreness after a massage can be avoided if you drink enough water to flush toxins and junk out of your system. Enjoy!
if she presses too hard just tell her to press more softly
yes, go for it
a good massage is a very valuable thing
a great one is one of the best experiences you could possibly have in life
i've heard deep tissue massages are amazing. a girl i know got one and said it hurt a bit, but relieved so much stress she actually started crying in the middle of the massage out of relief..
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