Friday, January 15, 2010

Bulge on tibial anterior muscle (next to shin).. after a deep tissue massage?

I just had a deep tissue massage today.

I had massage before, but only today I notice a slight bulge midway on my right shin..

It is my tibial anterior muscle bulging towards my shin bone (tibia).

about an inch in diameter. I noticed it later in the night.. 4-5 hours after the massage.

It is not painful, unless pressed.

Is this normal ? probably not wanted right..

but is there anything serious.. like hernia ?

should I ignore it and let it dissapear ?


should I check with doctor ?

pls help

thanksBulge on tibial anterior muscle (next to shin).. after a deep tissue massage?
Never heard of such a thing being caused by a massage. If it is in fact a hernia, it would have been more likely caused by overdoing a workout, or the result of a heavy, direct blow to the lower leg. Let it be for a day or two and if it doesn't seem to get any better, see a doctor.

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